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Sunday, June 23, 2013

An Echo in the Grand Canyon

-An Echo measured at the Grand Canyon fits the formula t = [2L] / c.  But this is only valid in light of the fact that a thin layer of air molecules (atmosphere / medium) is being dragged by the surface of the Earth (like a dimpled golf  ball) as it hurtles through interstellar space.  If this layer were at rest relative to the Earth, then this would allow a new definition of relativity to emerge based on a new Echo formula:

♦ T = [(L - vt1) / c] + [(L + vt2) / c ] = [2Lc] / (c²-v²)

-This Echo formula is the key element of my hypothesis.  It comes from the Michelson-Morley interferometer experiment to detect the Aether.  The source of the wave and the reflection from a distant object are at rest relative to each other; but the tandem they form is in motion relative to the medium.  This is the underlying idea that I am trying to exploit in this hypothesis.

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